Friday the 6th of January.Strength : 5 RDSDeadlift x 5 @60%Strict Chin up x 52 x DB RDL x 10Every 3 minsConditioning : 5 min AMRAP7 STOH 40kg/25kg7 Burpee over bar Rest 2 mins5 min AMRAP3 Bar MU / 5 C2B / 8 Pull ups or RR12/10 Cal Bike
Strength : 5 RDSDeadlift x 5 @60%Strict Chin up x 52 x DB RDL x 10Every 3 minsConditioning : 5 min AMRAP7 STOH 40kg/25kg7 Burpee over bar Rest 2 mins5 min AMRAP3 Bar MU / 5 C2B / 8 Pull ups or RR12/10 Cal Bike