Friday the 23rd of September.Strength : Deadlift.2 x 8 @50,55%1 x 6 @70%1 x 4 @80%1 x 3 @85%1 x 2 @90% Every 2:30Strength : RDL4 x 8 Double DL Conditioning : 8 mins AMRAP12/9 Cals9 HSPU or Double DB Push press6 Chest to bar/Pull up
Strength : Deadlift.2 x 8 @50,55%1 x 6 @70%1 x 4 @80%1 x 3 @85%1 x 2 @90% Every 2:30Strength : RDL4 x 8 Double DL Conditioning : 8 mins AMRAP12/9 Cals9 HSPU or Double DB Push press6 Chest to bar/Pull up