Friday the 25th of November.Strength : Deadlift Every 3 mins8,8,6,6,4,4 @50%,50%,60%,60%,70%,70%Superset with 8 reps of 2 x DB RDLConditioning : 10 min AMRAP15/12 Cals Bike/Row or 12/10 Ski/AB12 HSPU or 2 xDB Push Press9 C2B/Pull up/RR
Strength : Deadlift Every 3 mins8,8,6,6,4,4 @50%,50%,60%,60%,70%,70%Superset with 8 reps of 2 x DB RDLConditioning : 10 min AMRAP15/12 Cals Bike/Row or 12/10 Ski/AB12 HSPU or 2 xDB Push Press9 C2B/Pull up/RR