Monday the 17th of October.Strength : Back Squat2 x 10 @60%2 x 8 @65&2 x 6 @70%Every 2:30Conditioning : 14 min AMRAP24/20 Cals Row16 Font Squats 50/35kg24/20 Cal AB16 STOH 50/35kg24/20 Cal Ski 16 Thruster 50/35kg
Strength : Back Squat2 x 10 @60%2 x 8 @65&2 x 6 @70%Every 2:30Conditioning : 14 min AMRAP24/20 Cals Row16 Font Squats 50/35kg24/20 Cal AB16 STOH 50/35kg24/20 Cal Ski 16 Thruster 50/35kg