Tuesday the 5th of April.Strength : Pressing 4 x 4 @70-80% Every 90 Secs5 x 2 Split JerkEvery 90 SecsConditioning : Emom x 16 mins1st 40 Double unders or 60 SS2nd 6 Thruster 60/40kg3rd 14 /12 Cal Row4th 12 Box Jump overs ( Step down)
Strength : Pressing 4 x 4 @70-80% Every 90 Secs5 x 2 Split JerkEvery 90 SecsConditioning : Emom x 16 mins1st 40 Double unders or 60 SS2nd 6 Thruster 60/40kg3rd 14 /12 Cal Row4th 12 Box Jump overs ( Step down)