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Tuesday the 30th of July

Core : 2rds of 

25 Hollow Rocks 

25 Sec Hollow Hold 

25 V-Ups 

25 Sec Hollow Hold 

Strength: 15 mins to build to a heavy complex of 

1 Power Clean 

1 Hang Power Clean 

1 Hang Squat Clean 

1 Shoulder To Overhead 

Focus on good technique and build to a heavy set 

Wod : Double "DT" 

17 Min Time Cap

10rds of 

12 Deadlifts

9 Hang Power Cleans 

6 Shoulder To Overhead 

Recommend weight for DT is 70/50kg

The aim of this workout is one partner completes a round and then other goes. The aim is to do each round unbroken with good technique. So pick a weight that allows you to do this 

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